Below is our club constitution, the rules and standards we set for ourselves to uphold. You can download a copy of the constitution on PDF below.
- The club will be called: NEW MALDEN VELO Community Amateur Sports Club
- Our club colours will be orange and white
- The Objectives of the Club:
To promote the amateur sport of cycling in New Malden with the aim of increasing the amount of cyclists within the local area – we all cycled as children, so let’s keep people on 2 wheels
To give cyclists of varying ages and ability levels the opportunity to enjoy social and leisure cycling activities within a safe, group environment
For all our members to enjoy cycling and ride with the ethos that “no one gets left behind”
To represent the local community in sportives and races as appropriate - Permitted means of advancing the Objectives
The Executive (also on occasion referred to as the Committee) has the power to:- Acquire and provide grounds, equipment, coaching, training and playing facilities, club house, transport, medical and related facilities where applicable/appropriate
- Provide coaching, training, medical treatment, and related social and other facilities
- Take out any insurance for club, employees, contractors, players, guests and third parties
- Raise funds by appeals, subscriptions, loans and charges
- Borrow money and give security for the same, and open bank accounts
- Buy, lease or licence property and sell, let or otherwise dispose of the same
- Make grants and loans and give guarantees and provide other benefits
- Set aside or apply funds for special purposes or as reserves
- Deposit or invest funds in any lawful manner
- Employ and engage staff and others and provide services
- Co-operate with or affiliate to firstly any bodies regulating or organising the Sport and secondly any club or body involved with it and thirdly with government and related agencies
- Do all other things reasonably necessary to advance the purposes.
NONE of the above powers may be used other than to advance the Objectives consistently with the Constitution rules below and the general law.
- Membership
- Club membership shall be open to anyone interested in the sport regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis
- The Club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. The Club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating
- The Club will create suitable ride groups to ensure safety and enjoyment from all ability levels and ages
- Yearly membership fees to be agreed by the Executive
- The Executive may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made by an appointed panel consisting of Club members
- All members are entitled to vote at General Meetings or hold office as Executive Officers of the Club
- All members must treat each other and fellow road users with respect at all times, obeying the rules of the road
- Management & Governance
- The management of the Club shall be vested in the Executive which shall meet at least four times in each year. The interval between meetings shall not exceed 100 days. As well the Executive, all members shall be invited to each meeting, unless the Club membership grows to a size where this becomes impractical (eg more than 20), whereas attendance will become limited to the Executive only
- The Club year runs from November 1st to October 31st
- The Executive shall comprise the Executive Officers of the Club and a maximum of 6 other full members of the Club as shall be invited to join by unanimous consent of the members of the Executive
- The Executive Officers of the Club shall comprise:
- The Chairperson
- The Secretary
- The Treasurer
- The Communications Officer
- The Operations Officer
- The Women’s representative
- No later than 24 months after the adoption of this Club Constitution, Rules & Regulations, all members of the Executive shall stand for election at a General Meeting convened in accordance with paragraph 7 (i) below. Thereafter such elections shall be held at intervals of no greater than 24 months.
- Nomination of candidates for election as members of the Executive shall be made in writing to the Secretary at least 14 days in advance of the General Meeting convened for such elections. Nominations can be made by any subscribed members and must be seconded by at least one other member. Those members of the Executive holding office at the date of such General Meetings shall be deemed to have given notice to stand for re-election in accordance with this paragraph 6 (vi) unless they have given notice to the contrary. In the absence of nominations prior to the meeting, nominations may be taken from the floor provided the nominee shall have given his/her consent.
- The function of the Executive shall be as follows:-
- To control the affairs of the Club on behalf of the members. It shall be the duty of the Executive to seek and consider the views of the members and to report to any member raising any issue the outcome of such consideration.
- To keep accurate accounts of the finances of the Club through the Treasurer. Formal accounts shall be prepared annually by the 31st October following the end of the period in question and approved by the Executive within six weeks of their preparation. The Club may decide to maintain a bank account, the authorised signatories of which shall be any two Executive Officers.
- To issue through the Secretary, an annual statement (including a summary of the accounts) to all members summarising the affairs of the club in the preceding year. Such report shall be issued within six weeks of the approval of the accounts.
- To make decisions on the basis of a simple majority. In the case of equal votes, the Chairperson of the meeting in question shall have a second, casting, vote. The quorum of meetings of the Executive shall be four.
- All General Meetings
- All members may attend all General Meetings of the Club in person.
- Such meetings need 14 clear days’ notice to members
- The quorum for all general meetings is 4 members present
- The Chair or (in his or her absence) another member chosen at the meeting shall preside
- Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, every resolution shall be decided by a simple majority of the votes cast on a show of hands
- Formalities in connection with General Meetings (such as how to put down resolutions) shall be decided by the Executive and publicised to Club members
- Whenever an Executive member has a personal interest in a matter to be discussed, he/she must declare it, withdraw from that part of the meeting (unless asked to stay), not be counted in the quorum for that agenda item and withdraw during the vote and have no vote on the matter concerned
- Executive meetings shall be held face to face, or if not possible over video calls
- Annual General Meetings (AGM) The Club will hold an AGM once per year and not more than 15 months after the last AGM. At each AGM:
- The Members will elect an Executive including a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary to serve until the next AGM
- The Treasurer will produce accounts of the Club for the latest financial year audited as the Executive shall decide
- The Executive will present a report on the Club’s activities since the previous AGM
- The Members will appoint a suitable person to audit the accounts (as appropriate)
- The Members will discuss and vote on any resolution (whether about policy or to change the Constitution) and deal with any other business put to the meeting
- Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM)
An EGM shall be called by the Secretary within 14 days of a request to that effect from the Executive or on the written request of not less than 4 members signed by them. Such an EGM shall be held on not less than 14 or more than 21 days’ notice at a place decided upon by the Executive or in default by the Chair. - The Executive
- Role: subject to this Constitution, the Executive shall have responsibility for the management of the Club, its funds, property and affairs
- Property etc:
- The property and funds of the Club cannot be used for the direct or indirect private benefit of members other than as reasonably allowed by the Rules
- The Club may provide sporting and related social facilities, sporting equipment, coaching, courses, insurance cover, medical treatment, event expenses, post-event refreshments and other ordinary benefits of Community Amateur Sports Clubs as provided for in the Finance Act 2002.
- The Club may also in connection with the sports purposes of the Club:
- Sell and supply food, drink and related sports clothing and equipment
- Employ members (though not for riding) and remunerate them for providing goods and services, on fair terms set by the Executive without the person concerned being present
- Pay for reasonable hospitality for visiting teams and guests
- Indemnify the Executive and members acting properly in the course of the running of the Club against any liability incurred in the proper running of the Club (but only to the extent of its assets)
- The Executive will have due regard to the law on disability discrimination and child protection, as well as GDPR responsibilities
- Composition etc: The Executive shall consist of at least four and not more than 11 members, including Officers:
- The Executive members may co-opt club members (up to the maximum permitted number) to serve until the end of the next AGM
- Any Executive member may be re-elected or re-co-opted without limit
- An Executive member ceases to be such if he or she ceases to be a member of the Club, resigns by written notice, or is removed by the Executive for good cause after the Member concerned has been given the chance of putting his/her case to the Executive with an appeal to the Club members, or is removed by Club members at a general meeting. The Executive shall fairly decide time limits and formalities for these steps.
- Delegation etc
- The Executive may delegate any of their functions to sub-committees but must specify the scope of its activity and powers; the extent to which it can commit the funds of the Club; its membership; its duty to report back to the Executive. The Executive may wind up any sub-committee at any time or to change its mandate and operating terms.
- Disclosure
- Annual club reports and statements of account must be made available for inspection by any member and all club records may be inspected by any Executive member.
- Amendments
- These Rules (Club constitution) may be amended at a General Meeting by two-thirds of the votes cast but not (if relevant) so as to jeopardise the Club’s status as a Community Amateur Sports Club as first provided for by the Finance Act 2002 and not in any event to alter its purposes (unless the procedure set out in 11 (ii) has been followed) or winding up provisions.
- The Club Objectives may be changed to include another eligible sport if the Executive unanimously agrees and the members also agreed the change by a 75% majority of votes cast.
- Winding up the Club
- The members may vote to wind up the Club if not less than three quarters of those present and voting support that proposal at a properly convened general meeting
- The Executive will then be responsible for the orderly winding up of the Club’s affairs
- After settling all liabilities of the Club, the Executive shall dispose of the net assets remaining to one or more of the following:
- To another Club with similar sports purposes which is a charity and/or
- To another Club with similar sports purposes which is a registered CASC and/or to the Club’s national governing body for use by them for related community sports